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2024 - 2025 Military Spouses of Newport Board


President: Melissa Purnell

Vice President: Erin Schaefer

Secretary: Megan Bosworth

Treasurer: Toran Muldowney-Anderson

Parliamentarian: Lindsay Hardy

Honorary advisors

Mrs.  Emily Hinkley

Mrs. Erin Duffy

Mrs. Emily Duff


Communications: Anastasia Radloff

Hospitality: Ashley Rau

Grants:  Alice Holt

Scholarships: Alice Holt

The Ships Bell: Kimberly Anderson

Website: Anastasia Radloff

Socials: Lauren Stortz

Fundraising: OPEN

Service:rMelinda Kelly-Evangelista

Executive board elections take place in May.

If you are interested in volunteering on a committee, please contact the President at We welcome your help!

MSON is a private, non-profit, and social organization that meets the requirements of 501(c)(7). It is not a part of or represent the views the Newport Naval Station,

the United States Navy, the Department of Defense or any of its components and has non-governmental status. 

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